We Are The Leader In Advertising

Billboard Nerds Are Not Just Nerding Out on Digital Billboards. 

We have access to where the big players play in advertising. We have almost every digital screen you can imagine. We offer technology using enterprise-grade software, which allows us to advertise on over 1,000,000+ possibilities and over 200+ providers. We have access to the same ad space that Nike, Coca-cola and other big names use for marketing.

Below is a list of venue types we offer:

 schools, colleges & universities, bars & casual dining, hotels, movie theaters, recreational & sports locations, banks, DMV locations, military bases, gyms, health & beauty salons, office buildings, indoor and outdoor digital billboards, bus stations & stops(urban panels), doctors & veterinarian offices, apartment buildings, convenience & liquor stores, dispensaries, gas stations, grocery stores, malls, parking garages, pharmacies, airports, buses, subway, taxi & ride share services, train stations and list goes on and on

Mobile App/Tablet Advertising

In-home Television Streaming Services

Mobile Game Advertising


No matter your location the Nerds got what you need!

The Power of Digital Billboards?

A Nielsen survey on the power of digital billboards revealed:

• 55% notice a message on the screen most or all of the time
• 22% have changed plans to visit the store in the ad
• 71% feel digital billboards stand out more than online ads
• 61% agree digital billboards are a good way to learn about sales & events
• 82% recalled advertising on digital boards


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